EIT Digital

Data Science

Data Science

Within the EIT Digital programme in Data Science (DSC) students learn about scalable data collection techniques, data analysis methods, and a suite of tools and technologies that address data capture, processing, storage, transfer, analysis, and visualization.

Technological and societal changes led to an explosion of digitally available data. Exploiting data to its fullest extent, in order to improve decision making, increase productivity, and deepen our understanding of scientific questions, is one of today’s major challenges. Data science is an emerging discipline that aims to address this challenge. 

This is an opportune time to pursue training in both a challenging and rewarding new field deemed by the Harvard Business Review to offer the “… sexiest job of the 21st century”.

First-year program at POLIMI

Politecnico di Milano offers the first year in Data Science providing 60 ECTS. It integrates a set of technical courses (36 ECTS) with the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Minor (20 ECTS) and a thematic I&E Summer School (4 ECTS).

The I&E Minor will be increasingly offered in a blended format, with online modules and innovative teaching methods leveraging a distributed learning environment in which students have the chance to collaborate on a project together with other EIT Digital students from different partner universities (blended I&E Education and cross-university activities).

The following table summarizes the study plan for the first year. Please notice that, on the basis of the curriculum of previous studies, the Admission Committee at Politecnico can specify some little directions on the individual study plans.

First SemesterECTSSecond Semester
Technical Major - mandatory courses (21 ECTS)
Data Bases II5
Software Engineering II5
5Computing Infrastructures
6Machine Learning
Technical Major - elective courses (15 ECTS - make 3 choices)
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence5
Recommender Systems5
Distributed Systems5
Data Mining5
Advanced Algorithms and Parallel Programming5
Other electives5Other electives
I&E Minor - mandatory courses (24 ECTS )
Strategy & Marketing10
10Digital Business Lab
4I&E Summer School (*)

(*) The Summer School takes place between the first and second year, being computed among the 60 ECTS of the first year. It brings students together for two weeks to work in groups on a business modelling and planning project in the context of a societally relevant thematic area. Summer Schools take place at different locations throughout Europe, supporting a multidisciplinary and international dimension, with a clear EIT Digital flavour to education. You can choose the one you like to attend from the catalogue of Summer Schools organised by EIT Digital and published at the beginning of the first semester.

Detailed descriptions for Polimi courses on our Manifesto degli Studi

Second year

During the second year, students have the option to specialise in one of the technical areas that are offered by their respective Exit Universities, providing 30 ECTS of exams + 30 ECTS for the Thesis. Please, refer to their local programs for the second year study plans, you can find them on the EIT Digital Master School webpage for Data Science.


Paolo Cremonesi
DSC Coordinator at Polimi
Federico Schiepatti
EIT Digital Programme Manager at Polimi
For info: federico.schiepatti@polimi.it

The Data Science major at Polimi is a specific track of the Study Course in Computer Science and Engineering (MSc). Therefore, this entry university is best suited for applicants with a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering (or equivalent programmes). This means a strong base of ICT, computer science, programming and engineering courses in your transcript of records, including physics and math courses at academic level.