Season’s Greetings!

Season’s Greetings!

Dear all,

As the first-term classes draw to a close, I want to share some quality moments we’ve enjoyed so far at Polimi.

From project works to university life, from recommender systems joint tasks to I&E activities on Digital Transformation and our following discussions… I think we’ve been learning a lot from each other. Keep going on like this throughout the second semester as well!

Most importantly, I hope you’ve appreciated the collaborative way in which we’re building up together the learning environment around you. Looking forward to new exciting activities and events on purpose for you as EIT Digital Master School students!

Now take a rest, you deserve it, as you have worked hard. We wish all of you our best Season’s Greetings. Have a wonderful new year at Polimi and at your respective ‘exit universities’ all around Europe!

Auguri e buone feste a tutti!!
