Congratulations, EIT Digital accepted students!

Congratulations, EIT Digital accepted students!

You did it and you should be very proud!

The competition has been very high, given the remarkable number and quality of candidates. Eventually, after two tough application periods for the EIT Digital Master School, you have been selected to start the programme in September 2020 at Politecnico di Milano as your entry university, in combination with another partner university in Europe where to spend the exit year.

This is an exciting time! Now that you all accepted the study offer, I’m pleased to say that you are a class of 20 well-equipped talented students. You will get to know each other more deeply in the next months and you will value as teammates and friends over the years to come.

You will attend lectures according to your respective technical majors and study plans (Data Science, Human-Computer Interaction & Design, Fintech), sharing core components of this path, such as the Innovation & Entrepreneurship minor embedded in your master’s degree, all the amazing EIT Digital activities organised both at Polimi and all around Europe, and – most importantly – a true sense of belonging to our community.

You will also share a unique learning and networking experience which is designed on purpose to give you a competitive edge for your future career. We aim at breeding digital-savvy computer engineers with strong technical competence in hot ICT domains and the right entrepreneurial mindset to foster digital innovation and drive change.

Now, focus on this challenging exam session, if you are completing your bachelor’s degree, and make the best out of it!

Looking forward to a great start in September with the incoming EIT Digital Master School class!

Study with a purpose and achieve your goals