A New Start with EIT Digital Class 2020

A New Start with EIT Digital Class 2020

We are ready and eager to start the new academic year with EIT Digital Academy at Politecnico di Milano! Here is our new class 2020: 21 well-equipped students of the EIT Digital Master School programmes in Data Science, Fintech and Human-Computer Interaction & Design.

During our first meetup, they shared on their own vision about the future and their passion for innovation and digital technologies. It’s been so inspiring and heart-warming listening to their motivation, goals, creativity, values.

Today’s students are tomorrow’s future!

Leveraging cooperation within the EIT Digital network of tech universities in Europe, we are building a distributed learning environment for all our students, where to nurture talent, foster entrepreneurial mindset and develop technical skills to drive change for a sustainable digital world.

Let’s start tomorrow this new journey at Polimi!